Wednesday, October 18, 2017

‘I had to defend myself’: the night Harvey Weinstein jumped on me | La Seydoux

All throughout the evening, he flirted and stared at me as if I was a piece of meat. Then he lost control, writes the award-winning actor La Seydoux

I meet men like Harvey Weinstein all the time. I have starred in many films over the last 10 years and have been lucky enough to win awards at festivals like Cannes. Cinema is my life. And I know all of the ways in which the film industry treats women with contempt.

When I first met Harvey Weinstein, it didnt take me long to figure him out. We were at a fashion show. He was charming, funny, smart but very domineering. He wanted to meet me for drinks and insisted we had to make an appointment that very night. This was never going to be about work. He had other intentions I could see that very clearly.

We met in the lobby of his hotel. His assistant, a young woman, was there. All throughout the evening, he flirted and stared at me as if I was a piece of meat. He acted as if he were considering me for a role. But I knew that was bullshit. I knew it, because I could see it in his eyes. He had a lecherous look. He was using his power to get sex.

He invited me to come to his hotel room for a drink. We went up together. It was hard to say no because hes so powerful. All the girls are scared of him. Soon, his assistant left and it was just the two of us. Thats the moment where he started losing control.

We were talking on the sofa when he suddenly jumped on me and tried to kiss me. I had to defend myself. Hes big and fat, so I had to be forceful to resist him. I left his room, thoroughly disgusted. I wasnt afraid of him, though. Because I knew what kind of man he was all along.

Since that night in his hotel room, Ive seen him on many other occasions. We are in the same industry, so its impossible to avoid him. Ive seen how he operates: the way he looks for an opening. The way he tests women to see what he can get away with.

He also doesnt take no for an answer. I once went with him to a restaurant and when he couldnt get a table he got angry and said: Do you know who I am? I am Harvey Weinstein. Thats the kind of man he is.

Ive been at dinners with him where hes bragged openly about Hollywood actresses he has had sex with. Hes also said misogynistic things to me over the years. Youd be better if you lost weight, he said. That comment shocked me.

One night, I saw him in London for the Baftas. He was hitting on a young woman. Another time, at the Met Life ball, I saw him trying to convince a young woman to sleep with him. Everyone could see what he was doing.

Thats the most disgusting thing. Everyone knew what Harvey was up to and no one did anything. Its unbelievable that hes been able to act like this for decades and still keep his career. Thats only possible because he has a huge amount of power.

In this industry, there are directors who abuse their position. They are very influential, thats how they can do that. With Harvey, it was physical. With others, its just words. Sometimes, it feels like you have to be very strong to be a woman in the film industry. Its very common to encounter these kinds of men.

The first time a director made an inappropriate comment to me, I was in my mid-20s. He was a director I really liked and respected. We were alone and he said to me: I wish I could have sex with you, I wish I could fuck you.

He said it in a way that was half joking and half serious. I was very angry. I was trying to do my job and he made me very uncomfortable. He has slept with all of the actresses he filmed.

Another director I worked with would film very long sex scenes that lasted days. He kept watching us, replaying the scenes over and over again in a kind of stupor. It was very gross.

Yet another director tried to kiss me. Like Weinstein, I had to physically push him away, too. He acted like a crazy man, deranged by the fact that I didnt want to have sex with him.

If youre a woman working in the film industry, you have to fight because it is a very misogynistic world. Why else are salaries so unequal? Why do men earn more than women? There is no reason for it to be that way.

Hollywood is incredibly demanding on women. Think about the beauty diktats. All of the actresses have botox at 30. They have to be perfect. This is an image of women that is bizarre and one that ends up controlling women.

This industry is based on desirable actresses. You have to be desirable and loved. But not all desires have to be fulfilled, even though men in the industry have an expectation that theirs should be. I think and hope that we might finally see a change. Only truth and justice can bring us forward.

  • La Seydoux is a French actor. She was awarded the Palme dOr at the Cannes film festival for her film Blue Is the Warmest Colour

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