Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Meghan Markle Had To Ditch One Of Her Two Dogs Before Moving To England!

The pooch got screwed…

Now that she’s officially engaged to

On Monday, during the couple’s first ever TV interview, the thespian revealed Bogart is living with friends, while her Beagle Guy is enjoying the good life in the UK!

“Well I have two dogs that I’ve had for quite a long time, both my rescue pups… And one is now staying with very close friends and my other little guy is – yes he’s in the UK, he’s been here for a while.”

On Tuesday, Prince Harry’s communications secretary Jason Knauf confirmed the news saying:

“Bogart is now living with friends.”

While bringing both mutts “would have lots of complexity to it,” Miz Markle is still very “fond of her dogs.”

When word broke out, social media users had so many emotions about Bogart’s mistreatment!

One Instagram user wrote:

“i think its disgusting leaving one of your dogs in Canada, especially towards the end of his life.”

Life just isn’t fair…

[Image via Meghan Markle/Instagram.]

Read more: http://perezhilton.com/2017-11-28-meghan-markle-prince-harry-suits-dogs-guy-bogart

The post Meghan Markle Had To Ditch One Of Her Two Dogs Before Moving To England! appeared first on ArticlePoint.


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