Tuesday, December 5, 2017

This Newly Unearthed Donald Trump Quote Was Deemed Too Filthy To Print!


Journalist Michael Corcoran opened up to The Daily Beast about spending a couple days with the future president and taking copious notes for the story — including a quote the mag’s top editor forbade him from using in the story!

Corcoran says a “young socialite” was walking past their table at Mar-A-Lago when Trump offhandedly said:

“There is nothing in the world like first-rate pussy.”

Yep. That’s our president.

Corcoran wanted to use the quote in his piece, as it helped paint a picture of the man, who also bragged about his then-girlfriend Melania‘s looks. (The article still has tons of bragging about what a good golfer he is while constantly taking mulligans and also throwing a club into the water like Billy Madison after missing a putt.)

Video: More Of Trump Not Following Golf Rules

Editor Joe Bargmann confirmed the quote, saying he too thought they should run with it:

“I was asked to change the last word of the story from ‘pussy.’ When I refused, my top editor changed the quote.”

The quote that ended up in the magazine has the word “talent” instead of “pussy.” So quaint to think that 17 years ago a golf magazine felt the need to censor that — when Trump has now said so much worse…

Speaking of which, why do we even care now?

Because Trump is telling people his “grab them by the pussy” quote doesn’t sound like something he would say when it MOST DEFINITELY sounds like something he would say.

He can lie all he wants, but he can’t erase what a horrible person he is and always has been.

[Image via Ray Filmano/WENN.]

Read more: http://perezhilton.com/2017-11-30-donald-trump-pussy-quote-maximum-golf-magazine-mar-a-lago

The post This Newly Unearthed Donald Trump Quote Was Deemed Too Filthy To Print! appeared first on ArticlePoint.


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