Wednesday, December 6, 2017

WTF? Female Today Staffers Not Interested In Flirting With Matt Lauer Reportedly Weren’t Considered ‘Good Colleagues’

More details continue to come out to show how Matt Lauer was problematic in the Today show workplace.

As we previously reported, the TV personality was fired from NBC over “inappropriate sexual behavior,” ahead of women coming out with sexual harassment allegations against him.

Now a source is detailing how those who weren’t victims of the 59-year-old’s behavior or even those who didn’t share a fondness for him were thought of as not “good colleagues.”

Video: Meredith Vieira Called Out Matt For His “Huge Bag Of Sex Toys” In His Office

The insider told People:

“What people need to understand is that there is a flip side to Matt-the-serial-adulterer persona, and that’s all the women he didn’t hook up with — and they didn’t always fare so well. So if you were a woman who didn’t seem just utterly charmed by him, or who wasn’t interested in flirting with him, then you were useless to him, and worse, you’d get a target on your back. Period. If you didn’t bat your eyelashes and giggle and banter and play along, then sooner or later you’d get the criticism that you didn’t appear to be supportive of him, that you didn’t have his back, that you weren’t being a proper colleague to him. But that was almost the best case scenario, because that could ostensibly be fixed: you could just decide to kiss up and go along to get along.”

And continued, adding:

“Here’s what was worse: if he flat-out wasn’t interested in you? Then you might as well have been invisible. For the most part, women served no purpose for him unless he was attracted to them. So if he wasn’t hot for you, it was only a matter of time before you’d become more and more marginalized. You were damned if you did and damned if you didn’t.”

What a toxic workplace!!

Especially as the source also revealed how imperative it was to flirt with the disgraced coanchor to be considered valuable:

“If you’re a PA fetching coffee for him, you’d better know how to flirt. If you’re a new producer working on second-hour segments, you’d better know how to flirt. And if he deemed you to be not his type and didn’t want to flirt? Then you’d better not be counting on him to have the first idea who you even are. And certainly not to have your back if you ever want a promotion or anything like that.”


We’ll continue to keep you updated!

[Image via Dan Jackman/WENN.]

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